Reliv PH office is OPEN for walk-ins on Mondays to Fridays, from 9am - 6pm only.
Reliv Distributor Forms


Order Forms

Autoship Program

Autoship or AS50 is open for all, both Preferred Customers and  Distributors. For a minimum of 50PV every month, Reliv will automatically send you your favorite Reliv products if you enroll in this program.

AS50 for Master Affiliates
Reliv Master Affiliates must enroll in AS50 to be eligible to earn override payments from Reliv. This can also be donated to the Reliv Kalogris Foundation.

Sign up to AS50 by:

• Put a check on the Autoship box on your completed Product Order Form that you can find in the 'Register & Go' page and submit it to the Reliv office.
• Click on the Autoship option on your online order.