Take a Tour of Your Personal Reliv Website
View the two videos below to preview the content and capabilities of Reliv's mobile-ready Distributor websites. Then launch yours today!
Get Your Mobile-Ready Website
Now you can give presentations and show videos right off your smart phone or tablet — wherever you are — then sign people up on the spot! View the "Make Your Business Mobile" video above to learn how.
Your new personal website gives you:
- The Reliv Story: The most compelling aspects of Reliv's products, business and lifestyle packaged for you in ready-to-go web pages.
- Customizable content: Upload your photo, type in your personal story and select pages you want to highlight.
- Professional videos: Dozens of our best videos, from LunaRich® info to inspiring health and business success stories.
- Your own shopping cart: Visitors you send to your site can make purchases instantly. Reliv ships the order and sends you the profit!
- Online sponsoring: Add new Distributors to your organization seamlessly!
- International versions: Your web visitors can navigate to international versions of your site including: Canada, Spanish, UK, Netherlands, Germany and France.
As part of the Reliv Web Bundle, you also get Distributor Dashboard — immediate, 24/7 access to information on all activity in your organization and online tools to track, manage and grow your business. You also get the Reliv Mobile App!
- Get instant notifications when you have new activity (new order, new customer, new Distributor and more)
- View your latest personal group activity including sales data, new signups and rank advancements
- Track breakaway volume and look up member details
- Track your personal group orders and volume
- Easily share videos & websites with recruits – we’ll notify you as soon as someone has viewed so you can instantly follow up!
- Track recruit’s activities and follow up by email, text or phone
- Easily sign someone up
- Check out the corporate event calendar
- Access latest training, tools, videos & podcasts
- Shop for products, sales aids & gear
And... - You get the Web Bundle for just $15/month.
- Plus, a special offer for Master Affiliates! Master Affiliates will enjoy their first 3 months FREE once they order the Bundle for the first time.
Personal Website FAQ
1. Can I upload more than one photo and story?
Yes, you can upload multiple photos and stories. You change these out to keep your site fresh and talk about different aspects of your Reliv experience.
2. Why do I get an error that my photo is too small?
Some photos taken on a phone or copied from the Internet are simply too small and low quality to be cropped and displayed on your site.
3. Can I link to my Facebook or Twitter page?
Links are not allowed in your story.
4. How long will it take for compliance to approve my photo or story?
Please allow up to 48 hours for approval.
5. What if I do not want to display my phone number?
You can leave this field blank.
6. How do I edit the home page icons and featured products?
When you click on the related box you will be taken to your home page in edit mode. Click on the tiny pencil icon in the upper right-hand corner of the image. This will trigger a window to open where you can scroll through the available options. Click on the option and it will be saved.
7. Can I have more than two featured products?
Yes, when you click to edit the featured products you will be taken to the home page in edit mode. Look to the far right column and you will see a number pull-down menu. You can choose to display 4, 3 or 2 featured products.
8. Why do I get an error when I type www before my URL?
Our URL structure does not include the www. Please do not type www as part of your URL.